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6 donuts – tax-free

12 donuts – tax-free and 10% discount

36 donuts – tax-free and 15% discount

Mini donuts – possible for special orders of 60+


Old-fashioned $4.15

Clementine glaze

Sweet clover glaze

Cruller $4.35

Honey-glazed with sunflower seed crumble

Coconut and mango-glazed with crushed chili

Brioche $4.75

Passion fruit-glazed with chocolate crumble

Coffee-glazed with caramel

Filled brioche $5

Lemon curd and lime meringue

Babka donut with vanilla-cinnamon glaze and chocolate drizzle $5

Apple fritter with apple cider glaze $5.22

Mochi donut (gluten-free) $4.5 

24h pre-order, your choice of glaze

Mikey’s $4

Peanut butter cup with shortbread

7035 Saint-Laurent blvd.

Montréal QC H2S 3E3